I've come to the decision that I don't really care for my blog title or the boring layout. The problem is that I can't think of a really good title. Maybe if I stop thinking about it, it will just come to me. Ha! Me stop thinking about something once it's already in my head, highly unlikely. This is going to be on my mind ALL DAY LONG... Any suggestions let me know!
I set a goal to take more pictures, which I have. In addition to the quantity of pictures, I want to increase the quality but haven't gotten there yet. Here's one of my pup, Coco.
She was hanging out with me in the office while I cleaned it thoroughly at the beginning of the year. |
I also set a goal to read one book a month... FAIL. I started 1st to Die by James Patterson and I'm only halfway through. Mike told me to give myself some credit since I've been spending most of my waking hours studying when not at work or the gym.
Speaking of the gym. I'm having withdrawal. Big time. I've been going to the gym 5 days/week for a while now. Maybe 7 months? Starting this week, I cut that back to 3 days/week. I realized that I wasn't getting enough studying done so something had to change. I'm definitely able to study more and feel like my life is a tiny bit less crazy for the moment. I did go to the gym on Tuesday and the workout was a 3,000m run. I was pretty fast. Like a 7:39 min/mi pace! (Hopefully the course was a legit 3,000m...)
Oh, one more thing. If you've never made a massive extra payment toward your debt (in the horrid event that you have debt), you should try it sometime; it feels AWESOME!!!
Love you!